Relationship: 7 Signs That Shows That Your Partner Is Cheating

Cheating is one of the most heart breaking things anyone can experience in a relationship. Asides the breach of trust and the inevitable distance it might create between two partners, we also question our own ability to choose who is right and wrong for us. As any one who has been cheated on will tell you, there are several tell tale signs that people who cheat give off. At first they might not appear as signs but a closer examination should help you discover more truths. You should know something is up when
Their Normal Routine Changes Without Explanation: When a schedule changes and there’s no comment about why or what he or she is doing differently, it may be because your spouse is cheating on you. Most likely, your partner is spending time with the other person when their routine doesn’t match up anymore.

Sudden Need For Privacy: If things the two of you used to share openly suddenly become private pay attention cause something is probably up. He/she may start password protecting computer activity. Cell phone and credit card bills may be hidden.

Secret Phone Calls: Emotional affairs occur primarily via the phone, especially cell phones. If you find your spouse hanging up suddenly when you enter the room or erasing the history on the cell phone and becoming defensive when asked about it, then you might want to check your phone records.
Your Instincts and Suspicion: If you find yourself looking for excuses for your spouse’s behaviour or trying to convince yourself that they would never cheat then that is a warning sign. Your intuition is frequently one of the best indicators that something is wrong. If you suspect your spouse might be cheating on you, do some investigating and then talk to him/her about what you’ve found. Do it in a way that is calm and courteous. Ask for honesty. Be prepared for lies.It is a sad fact that people having affairs become excellent liars. People who never told a lie before in their lives. Trust your gut instinct but get hard, cold proof also.
Photo Credit: Getty

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