Lifestyle: Here Are Signs That Shows You Are A Food Addict

Food is not only a necessity of life it’s also a source of pleasure and a means of social engagement. In this sense, food not only satisfies our hunger but also activate some of our ‘feel good’ hormones and serve as a way of connecting with those we share it with. However, the need to consume food for some can become compulsive and uncontrollable leading to an addiction. Most of the time these individuals turn to overeating in response to stress, anger, or emotional pain. Unlike alcohol or illicit drugs, food is necessary for physical survival. Yet like drugs and alcohol, food triggers brain chemicals that create feelings of pleasure and comfort, like dopamine, a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in the brain’s natural reward system. For people who suffer from food addiction, consuming large quantities of food — usually highly palatable foods rich in fat, sugar, or starch — initially offers a rush of pleasurable sensations or a release from emotional distress. Yet these positive responses are soon followed by feelings of shame, guilt, and physical discomfort. Professional treatment is often required to break the cycle of addictive overeating and restore a healthy relationship to food. Food addiction usually goes unnoticed for a long while without even the sufferer being aware. Here are a few pointers that you might be a food addict.
1.Obsessive food cravings, combined with a preoccupation with obtaining and consuming food
2.The continued misuse of food (through binge eating or compulsive overeating) in spite of serious health consequences
3.Repeated attempts to stop overeating, followed by relapse into addictive behaviours
4.Loss of control over how much, how often, and where overeating occurs
5.A negative impact on work, family life, financial status, or social activities as a result of overeating
6.The need to consume more food in order to get the same sense of emotional release or comfort
7.A pattern of eating alone in order to avoid negative attention from others.
Photo Credit: Getty

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