5 Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Spots On The Skin

How To Get Rid Of Dark Spots On The Skin

From time the most effective beauty procedure has always been a glowing and clear skin but with dark spots on the skin caused by acne, hair removal, hormonal changes and certain diets our skin tends to undergo discolourations which can be really uncomfortable.

Skin patches and dark spots do have several means in with they could be treated. This could involve the use of skin care creams, surgery and natural home remedies. But below I will be sharing 5 effective natural home remedies you could make use of in battling dark spots on your skin.

Below are 5 simple remedies for dark spots

1. Making use Of Lemons

Lemon Juice As Remedy

If you are really a lover of the tangy flavour lemon adds up to our cocktails and spirits I guess its time you look over that and dig into having more lemons in your refrigerator not just for the drinks but also for your skin.

The high amount of vitamin c in lemon and every other citrus fruits helps in boosting your immune system. Other than your skin, lemon thus help in fighting several illnesses and its advised that taking lemon juice daily can be an additional step forward to staying healthy.

Also read: The 10 Powerful Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

A simple dice of lemon used as a scrub could serve as a facial cleanser for clearing dark spots.

Follow These Simple Steps Below

  1. Put some fresh lemon juice on a cotton ball and rub it directly on the affected skin area.
  2. Allow it to dry and then wash it off with plain water.
  3. Continue applying this dark spot removal home remedy for at least two weeks to get the desired result.

For those with sensitive skins, it is best advised to dilute lemon juice with water.

2. Honey As A Remedy


This kitchen remedy has always been used for cooking, curing certain illnesses and also beauty therapy. Rich in antioxidant, honey serves as a very effecting moisturiser.

It contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that aids in not only in the removal of excess oil from the surface of the skin but also clearing out any blockages or dark spots, which if not treated can cause constant breakage of acne and pimples on the skin.

Follow These Simple Steps Below

Apply raw honey on the acne – prone areas. Leave it for 15 – 20 minutes and rinse it off with tap water.

3. Sugar

Sugar As Remedy

Using sugar can come out really odd as several health tips will advice you about the damages excess sugar could cause but it has some wonderful properties at the level of the skin. It can be used to brighten the skin, as well as to perform a gentle exfoliation.

Follow These Simple Steps Below

Mix brown sugar with honey, until you obtain a uniform mixture. Use it as a facial scrub, this procedure could be repeated twice a week.

4. Onions

Onions As Remedy

A lot of people are allergic to onions and if you are, you got 4 other natural remedies you could try. These remedy might leave you with some smells, it is indeed good for your skin and can help fade dark spots almost effortlessly.

Follow These Simple Steps Below

  • Just cut up a red onion and juice it, or blend it
  • Once the juice is ready, submerge a cotton bud into the juice
  • And apply on the dark spots
  • Allow it on for about 10 minutes them rinse off with warm water
  • Apply a facial cleanser afterwards for faster result(preferably, lemon juice)
  • Don’t forget to wash your face all over after them lemon cleanser has been on for about 5 minutes just to eliminate the onion smell.

5. Green Tea Bags

Green tea
Green Tea Bag As Remedy

Originating from China, green tea bags have been used for several illnesses including skin care. It contains a high amount of antioxidants as well as enzymes, amino acids, and phytochemical like polyphenols.

Also Read: Beauty Guide: 10 Great Reasons To Start Using Shea Butter For Your Skin

Follow These Simple Steps Below

  1. Mix ¼ cup each of freshly brewed green tea and water.
  2. Use a cotton ball to apply the solution on the affected area.
  3. Leave it on your skin for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water.
  4. Do this twice daily until you have a dark spot free skin.

Suggested Post: Beauty DIY: Natural Home Remedies For A Glowing Skin

Above are a few methods you could adapt daily to improve your skin without having to break the bank, these simple home remedies have always come in handy for those in search for beauty tips to improve their skin.

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